Do you or a full-time member of your household regularly require the use of an essential life-support device? Eligible devices include, but are not limited to, motorized wheelchairs, respirators (all types), dialysis machines, suction machines, apnea monitors, iron lungs, electronic nerve stimulators, and others.
If your income and household size qualify for this rate, the LADWP will apply a discount to your electric and/or water bill. For your convenience, you may download, print, and mail in a paper application form.
Discounts on electric bills are available to customers who provide verification by a state-licensed physician that a full-time member of the household is a paraplegic, hemiplegic, quadriplegic, multiple sclerosis patient, neuromuscular patient, or scleroderma patient being treated for a life-threatening illness. An allowance is also available if a member of the household has a compromised immune system and has a state-licensed physician’s certification that an additional heating and/or cooling allowance is medically necessary.
Customers who are 62 years of age or older or permanently disabled may qualify, based solely on their income, to have a discount applied to their electric and/or water bills. The discount is available under provisions of the Los Angeles Municipal Code or the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California.